October 2023, a French delegation flies to South Korea. We have taking part to a scientific conference bringing together Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and French researchers. It's an opportunity to exchange ideas on our projects and to strengthen our long-standing collaborations.
We then embarked on a tour of South Korea to discover its culture, gastronomy and, above all, the supercritical CO2 units recently installed in the country. An opportunity to see the development of this technology with its many qualities.
Many thanks to the local team of 성균관대학교 for organizing this study trip. Especially Jaehoon Kim and his team.
And the companies jeonnam bioindustry foundation, gyeongbuk institute for bioindustry, bestech enterprise, GF FERMENTECH Inc. / 지에프퍼멘텍, coseed biopharm, kyujanggak institute for korean studies for their warm welcome.
French delegation : Stephane Sarrade, KARINE SEAUDEAU, Elisabeth Badens, Feral Temelli, Patrick Lacroix-Desmazes, Jérémy LAGRUE, SFE PROCESS, Antoine LEYBROS, Benoît Legros